Saturday, December 8, 2007

I'm so horrible at keeping this thing up! Shame on me!

We're in the midst of the family Rosetta Stone Hebrew, haven't started it yet (just got it today) but thought it'd make a pretty nice present for everyone. Had a very busy day, I really don't like running errands on preparation day. I end up so behind for the Sabbath. Today was the same...*sigh*

I usually do pretty well getting ready for Shabbat, but the past month or so, I've been floundering. It means a lot to me to have a very nice meal, extra special, the house all clean and ready for a day of no work. I think I need to get everything done on Thursdays from now on and stay home on preparation day. I know many women struggle with this in our busy world. Any ideas other have would help! - Nancy