Saturday, March 14, 2009

I think maybe, the problem I'm having with keeping up this Blog, is figuring out what the subject/center of what I'm wanting to talk about, should be. There are a few really big "subjects" in my life....

Farming/Felting/Self Sufficiency....These things sort of go hand in hand. As things get rougher around the world and we have to find alternative ways to survive in the changing economic times, these things are very near and dear to my heart.

Homeschooling/Unschooling/Life Skills/Parenting - These things would encompass each other more so than other parts of my life, though they're so intertwined it'd be hard to write a seperate blog without tying everything else in.

Faith/Beliefs/Happiness/Mothering/Helpmeet - These things are also, of course, intertwined...but would not interest people, for instance, who come to the blog to learn more about felting and selling at the farmer's market.

Add to all 3 of those, my desire to share about foster care and adoption, and I could almost start a 4th blog. So what do I do? Have 3 seperate blogs and toggle between them? Or should I go ahead with this blog, and just pour my heart out, hope I don't offend anyone, and let them take and leave what they choose?

If you can't tell, I'm talking to myself...LOL...and I think I've just convinced myself that one blog encompassing everything would probably be best...maybe if I get too deep into my faith/convictions, I can put a link to more in depth commentary, should someone actually be interested!

So, onward!

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